How can Dubverse help you with YouTube Multi language Audio Track?

  • How can Dubverse help you with YouTube Multi language Audio Track?

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Remember the last time you were watching ‘Dark’ on Netflix? It was reported that over 78% of the viewers watched the German series with a dubbed audio track. Whether or not they understand it is a different story, but the point that we’re trying to make is that in most cases, people prefer watching video content in their native language. 

Now imagine the viewership of the show had it been released only in German. Jonas sure wouldn’t have lasted for a third season. 

As of today, over 76% of millennials prefer watching a foreign language TV show/movie. Unfortunately, a significant portion of these viewers aren’t fluent in such languages and would miss out on a lot of plot points. This is one of the major reasons why dubbing turned mainstream.

Dubbing is not a new concept. Did you know that dubbing was first introduced in the early 20th century in countries like Germany, Spain, and Italy? Dubbing in theatrical productions predates that in modern-day cinema, and would involve actors performing on stage while translated dialogues were played in the background. 

Studio microphone

The key takeaway is that if you’re a creator, educator, or even a small business owner, you’d be better off dubbing your videos in multiple languages. Don’t believe us? Let’s look at some reasons why you should:

Why Create Videos in Multiple Languages?

Higher Engagement and Retention 

Your viewers are much more likely to watch a video in their native language for a variety of reasons. Studies suggest that native speakers of a language recognize speech-in-noise to a much higher degree than non-native speakers. 

This not only means better comprehension and retention for the viewers but also translates to higher engagement

Diverse Global Audience

When your videos have multiple audio tracks in different languages, you invite viewers from different cultural backgrounds. This means that you reach a diverse global audience with minimal effort and resources. 

Improved SEO 

You might not know this, but multilingual SEO helps you a great deal in making your videos more discoverable. Adding audio and subtitles in different languages not only gives you a competitive edge but also offers enhanced localization and cultural nuances to resonate with different segments of the audience. 

Increased Monetization Opportunities 

More languages entail a higher viewership, which brings forth more opportunities for revenue. Sponsorships are generally based on audience relevance and engagement metrics. With audiences from different cultural backgrounds, you invite a diverse array of sponsorships. 

data of the viewers showing youtube content reach

Videos that have used multi language audio tracks have been known to have a higher viewership than the ones that don’t. SmarterEveryDay, a YouTube channel that deals with experimental science, posted a video with multi language audio tracks. The video raked in a mammoth 86M views, compared to the average view count of about 15M. 

YouTube is a Goldmine for Creators

Of late, YouTube has grown into the second largest search engine after Google and is home to close to a billion videos. You could learn a recipe, study a subject, watch the news, or entertain yourselves at the click of a button. It would be an understatement to say that we’ve probably learned more from YouTube than from online classes. 

Nonetheless, language disparity emerged as one of the greater challenges faced by the platform. A little more than 15% of the world population speaks English, and yet most educational and instructive content on the platform is in English. You could watch a video, but what good comes of it if you can’t understand it?

This is why YouTube’s upcoming Multi language Audio track feature has created a wave in the content creation industry. Announced in February 2023 and tested by a handful of creators, this feature enables creators to embed a single video with multiple language audio tracks to break language barriers and reach a wider audience. Viewers can switch between different languages at their convenience and access good-quality content from creators from any corner of the world. 

But how do you create multi-language audio tracks? Especially when you don’t know another language and investing in dubbing and language experts can put a dent in your pocket. 

This is where Dubverse enters and rescues you from the dilemma by using the powers of AI and deep tech.

How Can Dubverse Help You With MultiLanguage Audio Tracks?

Dubverse is an online creators’ platform that helps you generate dubs, subtitles, and text-to-speech audio like a cakewalk. You can dub your videos in multiple languages and dialects, choose a voice to your liking, collaborate with your team, and add subtitles to your videos, all in one place.

image showing multiple languages

Until now, we’ve discussed a lot of potential opportunities over how we can leverage YouTube’s Multilingual Audio track. Let’s now look at how Dubverse can help you create multilingual videos and capitalize on them: 

Generate AI Subtitles

Did you know that the viewership of a video on YouTube with subtitles can go upwards of 80% more than those without? Dubverse allows you to generate AI subtitles at the click of a button. All you have to do is upload the video and choose the language. 

Create Text-to-Speech Audio Tracks

This is a vital aid to creators who do not like to record themselves. With Dubverse, you can upload a file, type or even paste the text and generate realistic, human-like accurate voiceovers. The AI-tuned accents, tone, and modulation seasoned with NeoDub speakers allow you to resonate with global audiences in over 30 different languages.

Dub Your Video

There’s a reason we’re called Dubverse, duh! You can upload a local file or link a YouTube video, and choose from over 30 different languages. What’s more, is that you get to choose the voice that you think will be more suited to the video.

Once you’ve decided on the language and the speaker (voice), all you have to do is click on “Let’s dub”, and your video will be ready in a matter of minutes. 

Efficient Workflow

Dubverse allows you to share your project in real-time and manage projects along with bulk action. You can filter, sort, and view your projects, and even edit transcripts to improve on them. 

Perhaps one of the best features of Dubverse is that it allows you to get your AI-generated files to be reviewed by professionals, to validate their accuracy. You can even retain or remove the background audio from your video file with the click of a button. 

dubverse video dubbing image

How You Can Dub Or Sub Your Videos With Dubverse

With Dubverse, the workflow is quite convenient. Let’s look at how you can efficiently dub or sub your videos at the ease of your fingertips – 

On Dubverse’s official website, click on Try Now in the upper right corner of the Homepage.

To Create Video Dubs 

  • Create a new project with the option – “Dub a Video”. You can upload a file, paste a YouTube video link or use Cloud Upload to start dubbing the video.
  • Select your preferred language and the speaker from among hundreds of different voices. 
  • Click on “Let’s Dub” and let the speaker do their magic. You can now listen to the dubbed audio and download the file as and when ready.

To Generate Subtitles

  • Create a new project by clicking on “Create Subtitles”. Upload a local file or link a YouTube video at your convenience. 
  • Click on “Let’s Sub”, and wait for a couple of minutes until the subtitles are generated.

Wrap up

YouTube’s multi language audio track feature is no doubt a game changer for small-time creators and business owners. While it isn’t available for use to most creators, it won’t hurt to be prepared with dubbed audio tracks and claim the first mover advantage. Moreover, you can still embed your videos with subtitle tracks for different languages. 

However, as is the case with most transitions, it is important to make calculated decisions and tread with caution. Analyze your audience, study the trends, and evaluate the stats to see which languages are best suited for your videos to get the best results.

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Content Lead at Dubverse — having fun with all things content. I love using words to drive engagement, followers and customers. When I’m not reading or writing, you’ll find me sketching and painting.

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