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YouTube’s multi-language audio feature is here: How will it help creators?

  • YouTube’s multi-language audio feature is here: How will it help creators?

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On 23rd February 2023, YouTube announced a new feature for multiple audio tracks, taking the streaming experience to the whole Netflix level.

Now, YouTube creators can add multiple audio tracks in different languages to the same video and expand their reach globally. Amazing! Isn’t it? 

It’s a well-thought-out and tested feature.

Youtube has been testing the feature with platform’s biggest stars like Mr. Beast and other handfuls of creators.

“Because his content is so wide-reaching, over the past year we’ve asked Mr. Beast and a small group of creators to help our team test a new feature that lets creators add multi-language audio to their videos,”

Ritz Campbell, YouTube Product Manager, wrote in a blog post.

Mr. Beast has dubbed some of his most popular videos in 11 languages to bring more international viewers to his main channel via the feature. 

Source: Creator Insider YouTube

Till now, nearly 3,500 multi-language videos have been uploaded in over 40 languages.


Creators testing multi-language dubbed videos saw over 15 percent of their watch time coming from views in the video’s non-primary language. On average, users watched over 2 million hours of dubbed video daily this past January alone, YouTube confirmed.

How can you, as a creator, leverage it?
Should you really care?

Definitely! As a company in the multi-language space, we might sound biased, but we have justified arguments to support our statement:

Spend time on one channel.

Honestly, it takes a lot of time and effort to manage different channels. With multi-language audio track features, creators can optimize and drive their audience to their primary channel. Your audience stays on the same channel, and you can easily track your performance. Now, people from different regions can view content that was once not available to them.

Improve viewer experience.

Remember Dark or Squid Games? Netflix makes dub and sub simple to use. We can expect a similar experience on YouTube, where users can switch between different languages with a few clicks and enjoy a seamless experience. Moreover, it simplifies search because they can find all your content in one place. 

Create more in less time.

Currently, brands and creators have to make multiple videos in different languages. They create multiple videos and distribute them on different channels. With the new feature, you create one video, schedule once, post once, share once, but expand fast

Watch multi-language audio feature
Source: YouTube’s Blog

Would adding multi-language audio be an expense or an investment for creators?

The reach and growth that multi-language videos can bring are revolutionary! Creators can tap into new markets and reach new audiences without language or geographical barriers. 

Even before the feature was launched or even tested by YouTube, several creators like SadhGuru and brands like Groww and Think School have been creating and sharing multilingual content and catering to a massive fan-following across their different language channels. On several occasions, creators have enjoyed more views and appreciation for their content in non-primary languages.

So how should you invest in it?

Traditional dubbing and subbing might cost you an arm and a leg in both time and money. Finding native translators and speakers, recruitments, interviews and invoices can be a lot of hassle. However, with AI-powered tools like Dubverse, you can optimize your video creation process at a fraction of the cost. With 30+ languages and 100+ speakers, you can get studio-quality audio and subtitles within minutes and become multilingual blazingly fast. 

While it may appear to be an added expense, the results are worth the investment. You connect, attract and build relationships with people beyond language and geography. You increase your reach and watch time. The return on your investment is surely multifolds.
If you’re still two ways about it, give it a shot and test it out for your content channel and pages.

What’s next?

These are exciting times for creators. YouTube’s initiative to test out multi-language content also indicates its intention to attract new audiences and increase watch-time.

Remember YouTube Shorts?

We all saw the growth and push on Shorts from Youtube’s end. They took time to launch monetization on Shorts, but when they did, it came with a bang! Our prediction is YouTube will do the same with multi-language audio. 

The early adopters are in for a win. 

Do you, as a creator, want to reach more audiences with your content? Do you see dubbing as a solution? 

We, at Dubverse, are building tools to enable creators to go multi-lingual within minutes using AI and ML. So far, we’ve seen impressive results. Try to see if your content fits in when dubbed to a new language, and see what magic your existing content can create!

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Content Lead at Dubverse — having fun with all things content. I love using words to drive engagement, followers and customers. When I’m not reading or writing, you’ll find me sketching and painting.

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